Hoda Elsadda
2012 Judge

Hoda Elsadda is an Egyptian academic and feminist activist. She is Professor of English and Comparative Literature in the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University and is a founding member and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Women and Memory Forum, Egypt. Previously, she was Chair in the Study of the Contemporary Arab World at the University of Manchester in the UK (2005-2011) and was Co-director of the UK Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World. From 2005-8 she was a member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (IJMES) and since 2006 has been Associate Editor of the online edition of the Encyclopaedia of Women in Islamic Cultures, published by Brill. She has published articles and books on women, literature, cultural and gender studies. Her forthcoming book Gender, Nation and the Arabic Novel: Egypt 1892-2008 will be published in English by Edinburgh and Syracuse Press in May 2012.