Interview with longlisted author Hasan Kamal

When did you begin writing The Stolen Novel and where did the inspiration for it come from?
I started this novel about four years ago, two years after my previous novel came out. I can’t pinpoint the source of inspiration, but it is somewhat of an extension of my project and previous novels. In The Deceased, the main character was trying to fulfill the dreams of helpless people around him. In The Masters, the main character was fighting ignorance, fear and established beliefs in an attempt to change the culture of his isolated, closed society. In this novel, the main character is fighting to change her reality, realize her dreams, and reveal the different kinds of abuse women are subjected to throughout their lives. Perhaps what inspired me most to write the novel was witnessing the major transformations that happened to many around me after recent political and social changes, and the rise and fall of certain currents, leaving people confused and trying to find themselves in different ways. This is far more difficult when it comes to women.
Did the novel take long to write and where were you when you finished it?
The novel took four years, and the longest period was that of preparing and researching. I needed to listen to a lot of stories from women of different generations and to their discussions. Attempting to evoke the text through a female perspective – since I decided to use a female narrator – required slow writing and multiple revisions.
Do you have writing rituals?
I like to write as soon as I wake up. This is why I write in the early morning or immediately following my afternoon nap. Any interruption related to work or life issues means no more writing that day. That is why my phone has to be turned off and I need to be isolated in my office or at a café until I finish. I start reading the last thing I’ve written, then I imagine the characters and let them move in my mind as they wish. Sometimes, I use music that corresponds to the mood and rhythm of the chapter I’m writing, whether it’s mysterious, romantic, or suspenseful. Sometimes I read poetry – colloquial or standard – to help me decide on the tone of the narrative and dialogue which I will write in this part.
What is your next literary project after this novel?
I’m currently finishing a collection of very short stories and I’m conducting research for my new novel.