Mohammed Ait Hanna
2021 Judge

Mohammed Ait Hanna is a Moroccan writer and translator, whose interests include philosophy, literature and aesthetics. Born in 1981 in Rabat, he completed his education there, obtaining a Higher Teaching Certificate (agrégation) in Philosophy and a Diploma in Advanced Philosophy Studies and History of Sciences. He is currently a lecturer in Philosophy at the Regional Centre for Teaching Careers and Training in Casablanca and has previously served on the judging panels of several prizes. His published works include: Desire and Philosophy: An Introduction to Reading Deleuze and Guattari (2010), On Painting and The Short Story: Moroccan Examples (2012), Their Libraries (2017) and The Red Garden (a novel, 2018). His translations from French into Arabic include Kadhim Jihad’s La part de l’étranger, La traduction de la poésie dans la culture arabe (2011), Albert Camus’s L’étranger (2013), André Miguel’s Du monde et de l'étranger (2016), Jeanne Hersch’s L’étonnement philosophique (2018) and Alexander Dumas’s novels Georges (2014) and Le compte de Monte-Cristo (2021).